søndag 7. juni 2015

FIFA Scandals, Footbaal Isn't Football Anymore

You probably have heard what has happened to FIFA lately, they are being investigated for possibly everything they have done in the last so 10 years, and their "beloved" President is resigning/forced out of power.

There are multiple problems why FIFA should be disbanded, or someone should form a brand new football federation. It all stems from corruption and dirty "talks", we all suspect that not only Qatar bribed for the World Cup seat, but so did Brazil and Russia.

Think about it, why should a country like QATAR host the World Cup when their spot is totally perfect for football, and they obviously have a good sports team. /s

Ok back to the point, when your country is nothing but desert and the temperature is usually over 45, then that would be a fair point not to host the world cup, and of course they don't have a good football team, but who needs that when you simply can buy it all with oil money?

Yes Qatar, is ridiculously rich that oil money is running so heavily that Qataris are
minorities in their own countries, but yes don't assume that the situation is like in Europe, because that is not the case.

Football should be enjoyed with fun, and not with bribery but when you have a lot of money to spend that surely becomes no problem. The biggest expenditure for the 2022 World Cup, might not be the money spend, but how many lives are lost building the stadium. True accurate statistic are unavailable due to well... you know, but what we do know is that up to 4000 lives might be lost for the World Cup, and if Qatar is stripped out from the World Cup, that would be a massive loss of life, and sometimes should be sued to an International Court.

Are they humans? Depends who you ask, many are stripped from their passport and not paid their full wage, or hardly paid at all. A passport is a fundamental thing to have if you are abroad, getting that taken away from you means that you are totally screwed should your employer hate you, and that is what has happened.

Don't believe me?
Shut up and read/see the following.
Here again
Use your eyes and watch

Pretty much.... 

onsdag 20. mai 2015

Kardashev Civilization Scale. What about our tiny humanity?

We have always theorized LGM, or Little Green Men when we fantasize about confronting the aliens. Theorist however thing a little different than most of us, Nikolai Kardashev from Russia have been famous for inventing the "Kardashev" scale. It tells us that there are three types of civilization, and it goes as follow


This type of civilization is modern enough to harness all the energy available from its home planet, and is able to manipulate the planet structure. Theoretically, this kind of civilization is able to suppress earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disaster. They harness and control energies ranging from wind power to fusion reactor. Such civilization might also have the technology to manufacture anti mater in large or industrial quantities.

They overcame the political and monetary crisis and has achieved a central unitary or federal government that governs the entire planet, it is also widely possible that countries/states might have been abolished altogether in favor of a stronger bonds between humans.

Thus with a strong unitary home planet, such civilization may start to harness the energy and resources of its star system. They may poses technology to mine the asteroid and establish colonies on other planet in the solar system. Massive solar farm in outer space is also a renewable way to create infinite energy from the sun.


This kind of civilization has gone stellar. After exhausting the resources of its home planet, it looks to the stars for more planets. The kind of technology that they poses is as foreign to us, a
s our technology to a prehistoric humans.

They control their home star energy output with huge a huge sphere that swarms the star with solar panel, effectively harnessing the power of an entire star. Type II play with fire on the atomic scale, they may be able to manipulate stars, and might be able to develop a wormhole for faster space travel.

The kind of government for such civilization is unknown, with severe technological advances, it is unknown whether such civilization would be 100% organic.

A Type II is also immune to extinction, as they can bag their civilization and move it elsewhere should something go bad. This is a kind of civilization that can manipulate an entire star, so a comet hitting their home planet would be the least of their concerns.


Type I control their planet, Type II control their neighboring star systems and Type III has colonized of has controlled the entire galaxy.

Harnessing the energy from a galaxy is quite a feat, it is unknown how civilizations such as this might fare. Type III probably has the power to control a supermassive blackhole to their advantage. Capturing the energy from quasar, neutron stars and gamma ray burst are technically possible for this kind of civilization.

What kind of life form after this is totally unknown, as cybernetics is getting better and better, it is not clear whether a Type III civilization is biological or not.


We barely know what kind of technology a type 3 civilization can possess, a Type IIII would be unimaginable to us. This kind of civilization probably has the power and technology to colonize their local galactic cluster.

Unknown "Dark Energy and Dark Matter" would probably be their main source of energy, since normal matter and anti matter are soooo 30,000 AD. They might see normal matter and anti matter as how we look at wood. "We still use it, but there are better things out there."

Where are we on this scale then?

"Correction", we don't actually belong anywhere, we barely have control over our planet. Natural and man made disasters are still a huge problem for us, but we are getting better at minimizing it, at least... So in short, I would say that we are around 0,75 on the scale. As Michio Kaku said, we would reach Type I in around 100-200 years, assuming we have not killed our self with a nuclear war or other kind of WMDs.

onsdag 13. mai 2015

War, the dark side of humanity

With the insane brutality of ISIS continues, the Palestinian and Israeli continues their fight and the Russians are invading Ukraine, does that make you uncomfortable?

Well, don`t, if you look it out death by war has drastically dropped, while the global population is at an all time high, it now seems that we life in the most peaceful period of human existence. How is all of this possible?

As you can see, the amount of people killed in a war has drastically decreased since the 1950s, this is part due to a more internationalized world and fighting is now so 19 century. 

While the fighting drops, the human population is at an all time high.

On the left is the major conflicts of the world that has taken 5000+ lives, while on the right is the ongoing conflict that has killed at least 100 lives. Not exactly peaceful, but consider this. Out of all the conflicts in the world today, none are an active war between countries. Instead they are civil war between factions or local conflicts. 

Although we have seen in Syria that civil war is indeed ugly and nasty, their impact is usually smaller than a war between two nations. A war between two states means that both states can mobilize all of their much bigger armed forces, have access to all the states resources and logistic and almost all of the population. The result would be a full blown war and might start the bridge for another world war.

But why has it gone from state vs state war to civil war?

Two words, the cold war and colonization.
As the world grew more and more humanized, colonialism was seen as a bad thing, and countries that had many colonies were forced to give them independence, either by force or diplomacy.

As the cold war dictatorships ended, this removed the only barrier from the point where old ethnic tension was hidden. With the dictator regime gone, the old "ethnic" tension appeared again. This has been seen in Yugoslavia, as Tito died, the strong central government of Yugoslavia got weaker and weaker, to the point where a civil war has sparked.

This is the same with "decolonization", as the "imperialist" government has been removed, old ethnic/religious tensions start again as may spark a civil war. So we can say that most conflict today are in countries, where 60 years ago, they were under foreign control.

But things are getting better!

Back then, a single side victory was much more common, now after 1990, negotiated ending has increased from 10% before 1990 to 60% after 1990.

Suddenly, why have nation states stop attacking each other?
I guess we can say that there are three major reasons for this.

1. Developement from Autocracy to Democracy
Democracies hardly fight each other and there is one simple answer to that, they both want to get reelected, and starting a war is probably not going to get you reelected. Out of all the state vs state wars after 1900, only a very small minority were two democracies fighting each other.

2. Globalization
For the first time ever in human history, people are worth more alive than dead. War is no longer as effective as achieving economic goals now as it has been in the past. Instead of wasting countless of lives and a war that will ravage both economies, it is now better to simply buy the resources from the global market than seizing it by force. People from other states are suddenly more valuable alive than dead, because then they can trade.

3. War was a part of humanity
War was usually the only thing before world war 1 that countries could use should diplomacy and negotiation fail. Today we have multinational treaty that declare all form of aggression illegal and 
armed forces are only legal to be used in self defense, or with permission from the UNSC.

These rules are still broken, but it is now harder to start a war without sparking an international opposition and discontent.

Picture taken from Kurt Gezagt and Wikipedia.

lørdag 2. mai 2015

Why you should reconsider your purchase on Apples new MacBook

Foto: Thomas Marynowski

We all know how intimidating it is when Apple releases a new product, whether it is a new iPhone or a new Mac. The new MacBook is of course very elegant and it looks very pretty with its 12 inch screen instead of the standard 13 inch that is adapted by both the Macbook Air and Pro. Apple claims that the new MacBook is a the start of a whole new Ultrabook generation.

Here are 3 reasons why I feel that the new MacBook is a turn off for consumers.

Foto: Thomas Marynowski

Reason 3
The biggest turn on with the product is that it is “revolutionary”, but has Apple gone a step back with only one USB-C input? With only one input, expensive Apple dongles might be needed for adequate amount of connection. Not only the price is the matter, but having dongles also compromises the total portability of the notebook.

Reason 2
Both the Macbook Air and the Macbook Pro are powered by dual core Intel Core i5/i7, but the new Macbook is powered by an Intel M CPU that is fanless, but we all know how it goes in terms of performance. Fanless are almost always slower than their fan cooled CPU counterpart, but at least fanless design offer better battery life? With 8GB RAM and 256 GB Flash storage, the CPU is no doubt the weakest part of the system

Reason 1
Why buy the Macbook when Apple has a much cheaper and better alternative? Apple own Macbook Air is cheaper, has larger screen, more powerful processors and better graphics. But its port are also complete with two USB 3 and one Thunderbolt port.

torsdag 30. april 2015

How to start your own country 101

The national flag of the new Balkan sovereign state, Liberland.
Starting a country might sound like an impossible task, a task that usually involve seceding and a violent revolution. Actually, starting your own sovereign state might not be that difficult on paper. Y

You will need
1. Land unclaimed by another sovereign state.
If you declare your house or your property as an independent state, the country that is sitting on it       would probably ask it back, and if it get too complicated, it will usually be taken back with military     force and guess what? Running a country from a jail cell isn't easy.

2. Form a functioning government and enact basic laws
Parliamentary democracy, monarchy or totalitarian dictatorship? Having a FUNCTIONAL                 government would be good to start with. You and the founding fathers/mothers of a state would         start by forming some basic executive/legislative branches. A constitution is not needed but highly     recommended, so your state won't have a coup d'etat now and then. Flags, emblem and coat of             arms should also be designed. Establishing diplomatic ties is probably a must too, unless you want     to do a North Korea.

3. Having a permanent population
Getting people to live and work in your country on permanent basis, which mean you have to             create jobs and build an infrastructure for your people.

And with three not so easy steps, you have your own state/republic/kingdom.

Read more about the "Free Republic of Liberland" HERE!

søndag 26. april 2015

The Big 3 With Most Bucks

By statistic, most billionaires in the world are.... rich... ridiculously rich. These three bad boys have more money than a lot of countries in the world, they have made their fortune through hard work and some luck. We are counting the top 3

Number 3

Warren Buffet (born 30 August 1930) hails from the United States and is currently regarded as the most successful investor and businessman in the 20th century. He has a network of multiple massive investing companies around the world, most notably the Berkshire Hathaway. In 2012, it was estimated that he holds a fortune of around $53 billion.

Even though he is insanely rich, he is known for his modest and moderate lifestyle. He is still living in the suburban house that he bought in 1957 for $31 500. He is also a member of the Gates Foundations, and is expected to donate around $43 billion.

Number 2

Carlos Slim Helu (born 28 January 1940) is a Mexican businessman that is currently controlling big portion of telephone companies such as Telmex. Through America Movil, he has built his telephone empire through big portions of Latin America. In 2011, his fortune was around $74 billion, compared to Gates $56 and Buffets $50.

He is currently fighting for the throne of the richest person in the world against the reigning Bill Gates.

Number 1
Bill Williams Gates (born 28 October 1955) is one of the main founders of the mega corporation Microsoft. If you are using anything that is related to computers, chances are you are making him richer and richer.

Gates started to program computers in 1968 when he was just 13 years old. In 1973 he started at Harvard University and got known with Paul Allen, that eventually became his partner when founding Microsoft. His fortune now is around $79 billion.

Even though he is the richest person on planet earth, he is also one of the most generous. He has helped African countries against diseases such as Malaria and with his wife, founded the Gates Foundation.

«Warren Buffett KU Visit» av Mark Hirschey - Work of Mark Hirschey. Lisensiert under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Warren_Buffett_KU_Visit.jpg#/media/File:Warren_Buffett_KU_Visit.jpg
«Carlos Slim Helú» av José Cruz/ABr - Agência Brasil [1]. Lisensiert under CC BY 3.0 br via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carlos_Slim_Hel%C3%BA.jpg#/media/File:Carlos_Slim_Hel%C3%BA.jpg
«Bill Gates in WEF ,2007» av World Economic Forum - Copyright World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org), swiss-image.ch/Photo by Severin NowackiCropping of World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007.. Lisensiert under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bill_Gates_in_WEF_,2007.jpg#/media/File:Bill_Gates_in_WEF_,2007.jpg

lørdag 25. april 2015

Chile's State of Emergency

Twin blasts from the Calbuco volcano in southern Chile emitted this large cloud of volcanic ash that shot 12 km up into the sky. Eruption of this volcano is usually rare, its last eruption was more than 4 decades ago. The ashes has covered cities in dangerous volcanic ash, many houses are at risk of roof collapse due to the weight of the ashes. The ashes also went as far as the neighboring  Argentina. The eruption took officials by surprise, the President of the republic has now declared state of emergency.

Scary... (David Cortes Serey/AFP/Getty Images)
Tension and fear is high in towns surrounding Chile's Calbuco volcano, after the sleeping giant awoke this week, sending spectacular plumes of ash into the sky.
This week was the volcano's first eruption in 42 years. The blasts that began Wednesday, creating a remarkable scene of smoke plumes and ash shooting more than 6 miles into the sky. Calbuco had another spectacular outburst early Thursday with lightning crackling through a dark sky turned reddish orange by the explosion. More smoke was seen coming from the volcano Friday, and experts warn it could erupt again. -TWC

In other news, our satellites continue monitoring the #ChileVolcanCalbuco eruption: http://t.co/cyGDZQB6fQ pic.twitter.com/NrsweuYAsR

onsdag 22. april 2015

Food, What we all like

The last post on this site was about a genocide and terrible atrocities that was/is committed by humans against humans.

For eyewash, I am giving you sweetness in this post. Instead of the traditional conflict ridden posts, this is about the unique culture that our civilization has. Everything from food and... food....
Some cultures are "underrated" and I will show you some culture and tradition that will probably make you hungry, read at your own risk.

Let us start, shall we?

This time, our country is Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago that consist of more than 15,000 island, although the majority of the population only reside in 4 biggest islands.

3 Short Facts
-The government is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic. Unlike Russia, Indonesia is just like the US with the president as head of state and head of government
-It recognizes 6 religions. Although Islam accounts for 80% of all Indonesians.
-There are over 300 native ethnic groups and over 743 regional dialectics.

The cuisine
Unlike Japanese and Chinese cuisine, Indonesian cuisine is not generally well known to the world. Some cuisines that Indonesian eat on daily basis. Indonesia is a country where a lot of rice is eaten, and guess what? Their cuisine is heavily based from rice and other homegrown foodstuffs.

"Nasi Goreng" literally fried rice, is an example of food from Indonesia. It can be served from simple roadside stall to 5 class restaurant. It is made by frying rice with some cooking oil and typically spiced with sweet soybean sauce, garlic and some chili and accompanied by other ingredients such as egg, shrimps, chicken and so on. You can put just about anything.

Where fried rice is originally from is actually disputed, but Indonesian eats it a lot at least...
Anything is technically a fried rice as long it has fried rice...

Rendang is a spicy meat dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia, and is now commonly served across the country.One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests. Rendang usually consist of biff soaked with usually garlic, coconut milk, lemongrass and chili. After the contents are mixed, the meat is ready to be slow cooked for many many hours. It is usually cooked until the "soup" is gone and is leaving a dry meat left. If cooked properly, rendang is able to last as long as a month.


mandag 20. april 2015

Genocides, does it ever end.

Why the Armenian genocide is so controversial and unclear, is because of how we define a genocide. Currently there are many scholars that define a genocide differently, but the fundamentals criteria are. 
1 Removing an ethnic group
2 Removing a religious group

And therefore, we can say that a genocide is denying a group rights to exist.

Here are some widely recognized definitions of a genocide, and yes the Armenian genocide fulfills it.

Genocide is a form of violent social conflict or war, between armed power organizations that aim to destroy civilian social groups and those groups and other actors who resist this destruction. Genocidal action is action in which armed power organizations treat civilian social groups as enemies and aim to destroy their real or putative social power, by means of killing, violence and coercion against individuals whom they regard as members of the groups.[31]            
                                                                                                                          -Martin Shaw

Article 6 of the Rome Statute provides that ‘genocide’ means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
                                                                  -Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Article 2 In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
                                                                                -UN General Assembly 260A (III) Article II

Make peace, not war

søndag 19. april 2015

The Philosophy of Equality


With a trend towards a freer and a more liberated world, a world where people decide their own fate and write their own history, it is time to talk about the part where "is everyone really equal?". 

Without doubt, liberalism has spread rapidly over the last 40 years, starting with a student revolution, now the same generation is in government power. They went from rebelling against their parent to controlling governments. Our parents have certainly done a good job with everything from black rights to the more sensitive "LGBT" rights. It is now our turn to forward the job. I hate to say this, but we have to let the previous generation retire then we can put our ideology in power. In short, the next generation is usually more open minded than the previous.

Photo: Alamy
In many developed nations, rights are based off the idea of modernism. Japan is no exception with this, they have almost lost their cultural identity due to their focus to work. Their population is at an all time low in 15 years, they have 2 people over 65 for every people they have under 14. This huge demographic shift is due to long life expectancy and low birthrate. The government of Japan has proposed multiple plans to at least maintain their population. One of them is letting immigrants inn, but Europe has something to say with that.

Countries in Europe are changing their demographic fast in the next 20-30 years due to immigrant having a higher birthrate than their natives counterparts. In Sweden, the natives have a birthrate of around 1.6, while the number for non natives might be as high as 2.5. 

The value of a human life
No parties in the world can answer this question without many debates. Some put value of a human life based on religion, other based their life on traditional values and honor. It is no doubt that while everyone agrees that every human is equal, the practice is different from the paper. A law is only a law if there are parties that enforces it.

In developed countries, they value their citizen more expensively than a developing countries. Wealthier countries usually spend money and power trying to get a citizen in distress to a safe(er) location. A country usually has to have strong political powers to do this.

In Southern Europe, the refugee crisis is getting bigger and is almost out of control. People fleeing from war zones are so desperate, they flee together in the thousands in a craft that is too small to carry them all. Some are not so lucky and drown, while other face deportation as not everyone gets their asylum.

They are so desperate for a better life on an another continent that they are willing to risk their life during the voyage.

Close to Palermo, Italy, it is feared that 700 have drowned after their boat sank a mere 80 km from Italy's territorial waters. 

This is one of the worst refugee crisis in our time. How the problem is to be solved, I do not know.

Problem such as this are usually political, many countries are not willing to take in refugees. If they take in refugee, they are encouraging people to take the dangerous voyage across the ocean. Europe have at least 99 problems and the refugee crisis is one of them.

tirsdag 14. april 2015

The future of our food production

The future of our food production

With the world population nearing 9 billion in 2050, what is our option for food? By then we would have to at least increase our production by 60% if we do not want to deal with severe food shortages. This is not only a big technological step, but also a big step on how to preserving our forest and natural habitat for animals.

GMO... Is it THAT scary?
The main vegetables that we are currently producing to get food on our table is corn, wheat and rice. These 3 crops provide the world population for their bread, rice etc. Losing only one of them would prove devastating, so we either need to diversify or just keep them and hope that nothing bad happens in the near future.

Today crops such as corn, cotton and some wheat has been genetically modified to endure harsher conditions. Genetically modified organism is the same as changing some DNA to make the crop adapt to a harsher environment to endure whatever scientist/biologist demands it to do. Although it is still debatable whether this is safe or not, as some news outlet "cough cough fox news cough" has "reported" that this kind of food threatens our natural way of living and producing.

The next big problem with our current agriculture is that it consumes HUGE quantities of water, and as California is experiencing, fresh water is getting more and more sparse so we need more water efficient crop in the future. Just so you know it, 70% of the fresh water gathered is used for agricultural purposes, so it is quite a lot.

One of the research goal of this decade might be to modify a crop so that it can grow with saltwater. You see, water is not the problem but fresh water is. How to do this with crops that we use in everyday life is currently not known, but if we manage to grow wheat/corn/rice with saltwater then we have solved out need for food.

There are of course many ways to fix our food problem, and my two suggestions above are only two of a lot potential solution scientist have though of. One way to sustain the food production is... to maintain the population at 7 billion. Even with our current population, we are struggling to feed people where droughts are heavily affecting the area.

Image credits
"Wheat close-up" by User:Bluemoose - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wheat_close-up.JPG#/media/File:Wheat_close-up.JPG
"Corntassel 7095" by Spedona - en:Image:Corntassel 7095.jpg. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Corntassel_7095.jpg#/media/File:Corntassel_7095.jpg

mandag 13. april 2015

The suppression of renewable energy

The oppression of renewable energy

With billions of dollars to spare, what is the oil company hiding? There is one infamous conspiracy theory about that may drive the entire petroleum energy business bankrupt. Does oil and gas companies really suppress? 

Here are some renewable energy options that I will be talking about.

Solar PV array 
We all know that there is no free lunch, green energy infrastructures are expensive, but is it worth it in the long run? Once you place a solar array on your roof, it will probably cost you a few thousand to start with, but after it you are generating power for free from the sun. A few thousand is a lot of money to start with, but after years of selling electricity back to the grid, it will pay itself.

The problem is that solar arrays usually are not as effective as people want it to be. Most commercial solar panels usually converts 15% of the energy it captures into electricity, some suggest that this could be doubled within 10 years. You also have to remember that the suns energy gets absorbed because of the earth atmosphere, that is why PV arrays thrive so good in satellites is because they get huge amount of power because there is no atmosphere to the photons.

Wind turbine
If you love scenery, You will absolutely hate wind turbines. They are huge, tall and is reported to kill birds. The problem is they rely too much on the wind being strong, and strong wind is also what people do not like. Unstable power output combined with destroying the scenery is not a very good thing when proposing to the public.

Fission reactor
The fear mongering with nuclear reactor is real. In the past 50 or so years, we've humans have had two class 7 nuclear accidents. The problem with such nuclear accident is that the fuel remains radioactive for a very long time and containment zone becomes a hassle to deal with.

Thorium has also been proposed and tested by researcher as a revolutionary new fuel for nuclear reactors. It is noted that Thorium is greener because a Thorium meltdown is not likely to cause major hassle such as Plutonium and Uranium based nuclear reactors. The best with Thorium is that it cannot be weaponized, and thus helping bringing peace.

Fusion reactor
This kind of energy has not yet been developed completely or tested on industrial scale. The US based company, Lockheed Martin suggest that they are able to produce one in some decades.

The problem is fusion reactor, is that the design has to endure temperatures of the surface of the sun for generating energy. If a breakthrough is found, then we might live in a post oil world where energy is not only cheap, but green and abundant. The fuel used in fusion reactors is hydrogen, one of the most abundant materials in the universe.

The sun is in fact one huge fusion reactor, it fuses hydrogen to helium and so on. We may find out answers from the nature itself.

Dark matter? Plank energy? Anti-matter? Future technology in 500 years might be impressive to us as how technology now impresses the medieval civilization. This is only applies as long we have not killed our self with wars and petty politics. 

While the option for alternative energy is plentiful, not very many of them can compete with the oil market. The oil would have to be expensive and hard to extract before a significant progress in green energy is made.

Credits for pictures
"Westmill Solar 2" by MrRenewablesWestmill Solar Co-operativeNeil Maw - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Westmill_Solar_2.jpg#/media/File:Westmill_Solar_2.jpg

"Lamma wind turbine" by Patrickmak - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lamma_wind_turbine.jpg#/media/File:Lamma_wind_turbine.jpg

"Sun in X-Ray" by NASA Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres - NASA Goddard Laboratory for Atmosphereshttp://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/rsd/images/yohkoh.htmlhttp://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/rsd/images/yohkoh_l.gif. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sun_in_X-Ray.png#/media/File:Sun_in_X-Ray.png

mandag 6. april 2015

Political position explained to dummies

So we know that there are two different wings when it comes to politics, but what are those? You see being far on either wings is not good. So let me just explain in this short post. This is a broad generalization of parties, but this is better than not knowing anything at all, and yes, I am a left winger, deal with it.

The Extreme Far Left
At this point, having a government like this would confiscate private holdings and spread he wealth equally, hence the name "communism". There are different types of communism though, anarchy communism is a system without a government of a ruling body and relies that people want to share their goodies with other equally, but forget it, this will never happen because of human natural greed. Extreme far left are not only communist, but also a totalitarian government.

The Far Left
Far left parties and government usually allows some private holdings but taxes heavily on the rich. The have strict regulation and nationalizes everything they can from defense companies, milk companies and whatever is left so that the national government has full control over almost everything.

The Left Wing
This is where normal everyday politics comes in. Left wing parties usually focuses on worker right, regulation and minimal privatization of healthcare and education. Most European countries are on the left wing due to free healthcare and heavily subsidized education. They are also usually pro immigration and most likely to be pro globalization.

Centrism/Big Tent
This is kind of tricky to explain, because centrist parties just take what they feel like from both wings.

The Right Wing
This is where most conservative parties stay, their ideologies are usually liberalism in the market, conservative liberalism and there is one thing right winger love more than anything, and that is tax break. They claim that a small government is useful for both business and individual. Right winger usually support stricter immigration law to protect the current workforce.

The Far Right
Parties that are far right are usually classified as "racist" because of their nature to preserve the "old" traditions of a country. They are usually hostile to new culture and adaptations. Some might argue that far right parties are rising in Europe because the native population felt threatened by immigrants.

søndag 5. april 2015

ISIS, religious or a political organization?

As you should already know, the Syrian civil war created ISIS that then spilled over to neighboring Iraq. They claim to be the rightly guided caliphate with pure sharia law, but then there is some questions to this entire "ISIS" legitimacy. First legitimacy is that a fully guided caliphate is to be agreed by ALL Muslims and not just a few.

Founder of todays Turkey
The last caliphate, the Ottoman caliphate/sultanate/empire was abolished in 1928 after multiple power struggles inside the empire, one of the most known "rebel" commander against the empire was the first Turkish president, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, where he led a rebellion and formed the modern day secular Turkey.

Did you know that homosexuality was legalized in 1858 inside the Ottoman empire? Today inside a muslim government, being open to homosexuality is almost a guaranteed deathbed. Even though the Ottoman empire is considered a legitimate caliphate by the majority of muslims, it has one of the most secularized laws by the 18 centuries.

Back to today, while some imams certainly supports ISIS the majority of muslims I know in real life is heavily against it, they claim that the caliphate is not legalized because of their brutality. Is this really the case? Some Gulf Nations actually has similar punishment as ISIS and nobody dears to speak against it. Raif Bandawi spoke against the "Sharia" government and supported secularism, now he is jailed for a long time, sentenced to 1000 lashes and fined one million Saudi Rial. His wife has defected to Canada along with their children.

It has also been reported that many of senior and important ISIS figures are from the former more secular Baath party of Iraq. A top general under Saddam Hussein's Iraq has been reportedly killed after a clash in Fallujah.

lørdag 4. april 2015

Start Of Another Yemeni Civil War

Bombs, bombs go away, come again when I have fled.

As the Yemeni goverments fall to Houthis "rebels", Saudi Arabia has led a coalition airstrike to neutralize the Houthis. The Saudis has also formed a coalition of many other gulf nations, Oman is the only one to have declared neutrality in this conflict.

The neutrality
One of the reason that Oman is neutral is because they are neither Shia or Sunni muslims, they are Ibadi muslims, and having a country that borders conflict ridden Yemen and Iran is not a good idea if Oman wants to continue with their neutrality. Just think of this, Oman is the Swiss of the middle east, you barely hear them when your read the news. Despite this, Oman maintains good diplomatic relations between the west, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The airstrike
When the Yemeni government in Sanaa falls to the Houthis, this sparked a reaction from Saudi Arabia where they are a Sunni majority (Houthis are Shia). They then began to the strike Houthis stronghold, but according to a report by The Guardians, the airstrike has also had its toll on civilian.

There has also been multiple speculations that the Houthis are backed by Iran, a country where Shia muslim is the majority. Despite having diplomatic relations to Saudi Arabia, their relations are not so good and Irans relations with the United States has been bitter since the 1979 revolution

The start of a bitter civil war
As the national government of Yemen loses hold of its territory and the expansions of AQAP, Houthis and potentially ISIS allies, the future of the country is at stake. There has also been a movement to seperate South Yemen against the rest of Yemen. During the cold war, Yemen was a divided state much like Germany.

The situation is so bad, that the Chinese has evacuated their and foreign citizens from Yemen to Djibuti with their naval ships.

fredag 20. februar 2015

The Cold War Never Bothered Us Anyway

Can you believe it, it has been one full year since Sochi olympics, back then the relations between EU and Russia was warm and cozy, and then the Crimea crisis occoured. The entire crisis has worsened relations to almost "cold war" level again. So where are we know?

Crimea has been annexed to Russia for some time now and the crisis on the east side of Ukraine is still ongoing. Of course, when it comes to guerilla warfare, the best kind of diplomacy is to deny any involvment as much and as long as possible. We all know that guerilla warfare is crazy cost effective and pose a real threat to even the best armed battalion.Afganistan guerilla warfare was no fun for both the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Big 5
The Minsk meeting where Putin, Merkel, Hollande, Luhashenko and Poroshenko met ended in a "cease fire". A cease fire is kind of like a temporary peace, you don't shoot me I don't shoot you, but as we know it... it gets broken and violated everytime... Except one time where this kind of agrement has worked since 1953. You guessed right, the Korean war is technically still an active conflict because neither parties has signed a formal peace treaty.

But can you believe it, the cold war ended in 1991, that was 24 years ago. Windows XP release date is closer to the dissolution of Soviet                                                        Union than it is to today. Anyways, I never got to experience any of                                                      this because I was born a little too early... but hey, still no nuclear                                                          war. I also apologize if I made you feel old.

tirsdag 3. februar 2015

Brutality To Sustain Stability And Peace

One conflict is finally gone
Oh, We've just created 1000s more.
Remember 2003? That year when Saddam Hussein's Iraq was toppled and replaced with a "democratic Iraq", guess what has happened since then. After the "brutal" dictator was toppled, the area is now more violent with different insurgensies that are currently on the run, one of the most infamous is... ISIS, think if Hussein has still in power, he'd shoot everyone that was a threat to Iraq.

Muammar Gadaffi
Not only was this done once... but twice. First in Iraq then Libya, where Gaddafi was killed after the Arab Spring came to his country. From one of the most prosperous nation in Africa, Libya is now full of insurgency and almost in complete anarchy.

From my point of view, the comedy movie "The Interview" is partially right in this situation, killing/removing a head of state will not fix anything. It is true that a dictator might be comitting grave human right violations, but should we just let it do whatever he wants?

On the other side, removing the dictator will also leave a big power vacuum within the goverment. The decision is big right here, forcibly   removing someone from power will also require the "emergency"         goverment to be as strong and stable as the previous.

1..2..3..4..5 Finally
South Korean Flag
Republic Of Korea
South Korea is probably the best example. After decades of Japanese occupation then the Korean War broke out, then some massive goverment problem after the war, it was solved with a military coup d'etat and then temporary putting a president (although he is technically a dictator with that much power) in power. It did not happen just one time, but FIVE TIMES before the South Korean goverment finally settled. It transformed the Republic of Korea from a country full of poverty into a global economic         power.

So the question is, Should the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad be removed from power? I mean after all, he did use chemical weapons on his own people, and that is a big nono according to the UN.
It is true that he has used chemical weapon, but is it really a good idea to leave a power vacuum in Syria?

søndag 25. januar 2015

Provoking The "Kawaii" Nation

After ISIS held 2 Japanese citizen hostage and demanded Japan to pay a hefty sum of $200 million, ISIS gets another enemy,

Geez, I wonder if Hitler would be jealous because ISIS is having more enemies than NAZI Germany could ever dream of.

The $200 million ransom is not cheap, considering that the money would be most likely to be used to buy weapons and .... essentially becoming weapon of war. I mean, one could probably get a decent Russian tank for a couple million USD, so $200 is sadly enough for alot of things that isn't very good for peace.

The F-15, a beautiful democracy flying machine.
Can deliver many tons of democracy ordnance.

Let us put it this way. One F-15 cost around $35 million. Missiles are expensive, so we will give $10 million for missiles and ammunition. $5 million will go to fuel and maintenance. With this setup, one could get up to 4 fully loaded F-15 ready for air superiority. Luckily, the US isn't that crazy to sell ISIS a democracy machine like this. But hey, Saudi Arabia have F-15's.

And flying a figther plane isn't that hard for ISIS due to the fact that probably some of their militants are ex-Iraqi airforce staff from Saddam's regime. After all this, It would be another "live-fire exercise" for USAF pilots, just like how Operation Desert Storm was. That's right, No F-15 has EVER been lost in air to air combat in over 40 years of service, and I'd say that is damn impressive.

Back to the point. If you are from asia, your grandparents would tell you one thing. DO NOT MESS WITH JAPAN. The horror of the Imperial Japanese Army in World War 2, it actually makes ISIS look like bunch of amateurs, literally. Ramming planes are so much more hardcore than suicide vest.

Back to the point, It is unlikely that Japan would "agree" to ISIS's demand. After all, traveling to a god damn warzone has its consequences, so I suggest that you should not travel to a warzone unless you have a really good reason for it.

My thoughts goes to the families of the hostage victims. I know, I wrote this post with humour, but when it comes to killing, it is no fun anymore. May they rest in peace.

 I am sorry if I manage to offend someone, but hey something something, freedom of speech.

søndag 18. januar 2015

A Brave New Year

Everyone is constantly on the move, 2015 will be a bit more than 2014 for my part. This year, I need to get more things done. For the first time, I will be searching for a long term job and start to be more and more independent.

You see, freedom and independence is not free it cost money, blood, energy and most importantly courage. Being independent is a huge leap forward, and in a few short years, I will be away from my current comfort zone.

Life is unfair, just be depending on which country you was born into, it gives you an unfair advantage if you think about it. What is important for every human being, is to live their life to the fullest and go for your dreams. Every second of suffering and pain would be paid off, the second your dream is your reality.

For me, this year is going to be different. A new comfort zone must be drawn and overlapping the 2014 comfort zone.

I wish all my viewers a good health and a good 2015.
A bright day, may your life be as bright.

lørdag 17. januar 2015

Raif Bandari's fate

Protest in front of the Saudi embassy in The Netherland.

After the Saudi citizen, Raif Bandari created a social media and a forum to discuss about the KSA political flaws, the blogger has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1000 lashes.

His wife, Ensaf Bandari who seeked asylum in Canada along with the couple three children has made an appeal both the the international community and to the Saudi goverment to end her husband punishment.

The 31 year old man, is due to recieve 50 lashes per week and the first 50 lashes was given after the friday prayer in front of Al-Jalafi mosque in the port city of Jeddah.

His punishment was to be given after he criticised Saudi Arabia most powerful clerics on his blog. After his last whipping, he has been taken to a prison clinic due to his sustained injuries, the doctor recomended to not whip him until another week has passed due to that his wounds has not been healing properly.

UK's Prime Minister, David Cameroon has stated that Raif Bandari's case is an absolute disgrace and that he should be pardoned and released from jail. The United Kingdom has also been accused by Amnesty International to not do anymore action due to business interest in the region and "oil" inside the highly conservative kingdom.

If you are able to, I ask everyone to help our fellow brother in need. Click here for more information.

fredag 16. januar 2015

California becomes world 7th largest economy, overtaking Brazil, Russia and Italia

The golden state, after boosted employment and rising personal values is estimated to have a GDP of around $ 2.2 trillion in 2013 and has expanded since last year by almost every measure. Brazil's GDP has declined by around 1% after its recent export of raw minerals and materials fell in 2014.

California's economy is also one of the most diverse economies in the union, ranging anything from oil to computer to movie stars.
Even with the decline of oil prices, California still stand strong with its oil production and continues to supply the United States with oil and gas.

Agriculture is also one of the most hidden factor where it does not get the attention it should. Almost 70% of worlds almonds are grown, harvested and produced in California.

With ever developing technology mankind's need, so does the economy grows. Almost all electronic production starts in California with companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple and etc having a headquarter in California.

One problem that the state has is poverty rate, research has shown that almost a quarter of Californian live in the poverty line or below it even though California's GDP per person is quite high when compared to the rest of the United States.

onsdag 14. januar 2015

Fighting Freedom With Freedom

What the world learnt from the Charlie Hebdo massacre wasn't pretty. How much is it too much when it comes to freedom of speech? Where does the point cross between freedom of speech and hate speech?

Everyone has a different line and tolerance when it comes to freedom, Islam prohibits any visual paintings of their prophet, and people has been killed due to this. The 2006 Danish Cartoon controversy heavily strained the relations between Denmark and Muslims nation, some nations even closing their embassy in Denmark and halting diplomatic relations.

Arab nations has been quite strict when it comes to their Prophet. It is unclear what the Charlie Hebdo attack would do in the long run. The United Kingdom is planning to "maybe" ban chatting programs such as "Snapchat" and "Whatsapp" for the safety of their people. But should it be like this? Fighting fire with fire, banning freedom to fight freedom.

In my eyes, it is very important for all parties to be able to respect each other and thus provoking nobody. Make no mistake, opinion is very important for a healthy society.

Freedom of speech has no clear limit to hate speech, we just have to define it ourself and respect other. We have to do to other what other wil do to us.

Imagine living in peace like that, where all humans are united as one.

Read more about peace here

tirsdag 13. januar 2015

Living Together In Peace

With all of the current conflicts, are humans all this violent? The question we seek might lie in our nature, in fact we might be in one of the most peaceful time in our entire existence.

Everyday there is someone who has died due to violence somewhere on the planet, whether it is Paris, Aleppo or Jerusalem, a soul was lost due to human violence and power. A world that we all dream of is a world of harmony, where all the humans may live in peace and hope, we are all right and that hope is very dark.

Imagine living in total peace and where everybody lives with open arms, where religion, race, sexual orientation and nationality did not matter, where everyone is currently fighting together, they tend to forget that they are ONE HUMAN RACE.

That dream only lives in our mind, and our mind is an isolated place. Image if the next human revolution is about hope and living together, where we would finally see that every human can live and breathe together no matter if that human has another religious allegiance or another sexual orientation.

The greatest empire remained strong by becoming as one and when division happened, they fell. The next very big leap in humanity would not be the first human on mars, even though that would be one of the greatest scientific leap of all mankind. The leap that we desperately need is a leap toward a ONE HUMAN RACE.

The day we learn to forgive, is a start of a revolution. Wanting revenge is not a permanent solution, it is a solution induced by hatred and anger. Justice can come in kindness and mercy. We can start by forgiving the small things, and it will just go up from there. Do not be mistaken because justice is still needed for a healthy world.

We can start this leap by treating our neighbors right, when we do they will follow our example. In the end you will not be able to do this alone, together we can create peace and prosperity. We humans are divided and therefore weak, one day there shall be a day where we celebrate independence from fear and darkness and call it humanity day, and may our hopes and dreams not lay shattered.

I hope the very best for you. 

An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Entire World Blind 
-Mahatma Gandhi

søndag 11. januar 2015

Extreme Islamism & Extreme Right Wing

After an attack at Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris where 12 people lost their lives and another 11 injured, Europe might face a threat where two extremist groups might rise and take power.

It is not unknown that europe has a significant muslim population, and in France they are recognized as a minority. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was not the first conflict that happened after a picture of the islamic prophet was released into the media. Several years earlier, Denmark did the same and it caused a mass protest in many muslim countries, going even further as Arab nations sanctioning danish goods and export.

While Europe clearly has a problem with muslim extremism, another Neo-Nazi groups are also on the rise. Inside the United Kingdom, clashes between "Britain First" and muslims has occoured that led to police and political intervention. 

Britain First Official Logo
Some of these parties has been granted seats into the European Parliament, some say that the "effect" of muslim immigrant has startled the native population. Even though muslim is still a minority, this could create problems with the native should politicans fail to solve it.

There has also been a big protest about muslim immigrants in Germany where some protestor were "proudly" open about being a so called "Neo-Nazi".

Attack with extremist group also hurt the "moderate" population from both sides. After the attack at Charlie, muslims face an imminent danger of being discriminated in public and 8 reported attacks were made against the local muslim population.

A 42 years old, Ahmed Merabet was a policeman who was killed during the attack, this has caused a big stir between the muslims communities worldwide as islam strictly forbids killing a fellow muslim.

Another attack where another four people died after a Kosher supermarket was stormed. A worker from Mali was given credit for saving 15 shopper including a 1 month old baby, this has lead to closer ties between the muslim community and the jewish community.

It is not known how many more attacks and how many more lives has to be lost before humanity can get a stable peace between all humans there is.

Muslim and Jewish relations has also strained considerably after the Israel-Palestine conflict that occoured shorty after world war II. Before the entire ordeal, muslims and jews lived together like one family. This strained relations is also a factor into fueling the extremism attack in Western countries as they tend to support Israel, although France has had a history of being reluctant in the past.
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo, 1941.