tirsdag 13. januar 2015

Living Together In Peace

With all of the current conflicts, are humans all this violent? The question we seek might lie in our nature, in fact we might be in one of the most peaceful time in our entire existence.

Everyday there is someone who has died due to violence somewhere on the planet, whether it is Paris, Aleppo or Jerusalem, a soul was lost due to human violence and power. A world that we all dream of is a world of harmony, where all the humans may live in peace and hope, we are all right and that hope is very dark.

Imagine living in total peace and where everybody lives with open arms, where religion, race, sexual orientation and nationality did not matter, where everyone is currently fighting together, they tend to forget that they are ONE HUMAN RACE.

That dream only lives in our mind, and our mind is an isolated place. Image if the next human revolution is about hope and living together, where we would finally see that every human can live and breathe together no matter if that human has another religious allegiance or another sexual orientation.

The greatest empire remained strong by becoming as one and when division happened, they fell. The next very big leap in humanity would not be the first human on mars, even though that would be one of the greatest scientific leap of all mankind. The leap that we desperately need is a leap toward a ONE HUMAN RACE.

The day we learn to forgive, is a start of a revolution. Wanting revenge is not a permanent solution, it is a solution induced by hatred and anger. Justice can come in kindness and mercy. We can start by forgiving the small things, and it will just go up from there. Do not be mistaken because justice is still needed for a healthy world.

We can start this leap by treating our neighbors right, when we do they will follow our example. In the end you will not be able to do this alone, together we can create peace and prosperity. We humans are divided and therefore weak, one day there shall be a day where we celebrate independence from fear and darkness and call it humanity day, and may our hopes and dreams not lay shattered.

I hope the very best for you. 

An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Entire World Blind 
-Mahatma Gandhi

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