søndag 11. januar 2015

Extreme Islamism & Extreme Right Wing

After an attack at Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris where 12 people lost their lives and another 11 injured, Europe might face a threat where two extremist groups might rise and take power.

It is not unknown that europe has a significant muslim population, and in France they are recognized as a minority. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was not the first conflict that happened after a picture of the islamic prophet was released into the media. Several years earlier, Denmark did the same and it caused a mass protest in many muslim countries, going even further as Arab nations sanctioning danish goods and export.

While Europe clearly has a problem with muslim extremism, another Neo-Nazi groups are also on the rise. Inside the United Kingdom, clashes between "Britain First" and muslims has occoured that led to police and political intervention. 

Britain First Official Logo
Some of these parties has been granted seats into the European Parliament, some say that the "effect" of muslim immigrant has startled the native population. Even though muslim is still a minority, this could create problems with the native should politicans fail to solve it.

There has also been a big protest about muslim immigrants in Germany where some protestor were "proudly" open about being a so called "Neo-Nazi".

Attack with extremist group also hurt the "moderate" population from both sides. After the attack at Charlie, muslims face an imminent danger of being discriminated in public and 8 reported attacks were made against the local muslim population.

A 42 years old, Ahmed Merabet was a policeman who was killed during the attack, this has caused a big stir between the muslims communities worldwide as islam strictly forbids killing a fellow muslim.

Another attack where another four people died after a Kosher supermarket was stormed. A worker from Mali was given credit for saving 15 shopper including a 1 month old baby, this has lead to closer ties between the muslim community and the jewish community.

It is not known how many more attacks and how many more lives has to be lost before humanity can get a stable peace between all humans there is.

Muslim and Jewish relations has also strained considerably after the Israel-Palestine conflict that occoured shorty after world war II. Before the entire ordeal, muslims and jews lived together like one family. This strained relations is also a factor into fueling the extremism attack in Western countries as they tend to support Israel, although France has had a history of being reluctant in the past.
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo, 1941.

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