søndag 25. januar 2015

Provoking The "Kawaii" Nation

After ISIS held 2 Japanese citizen hostage and demanded Japan to pay a hefty sum of $200 million, ISIS gets another enemy,

Geez, I wonder if Hitler would be jealous because ISIS is having more enemies than NAZI Germany could ever dream of.

The $200 million ransom is not cheap, considering that the money would be most likely to be used to buy weapons and .... essentially becoming weapon of war. I mean, one could probably get a decent Russian tank for a couple million USD, so $200 is sadly enough for alot of things that isn't very good for peace.

The F-15, a beautiful democracy flying machine.
Can deliver many tons of democracy ordnance.

Let us put it this way. One F-15 cost around $35 million. Missiles are expensive, so we will give $10 million for missiles and ammunition. $5 million will go to fuel and maintenance. With this setup, one could get up to 4 fully loaded F-15 ready for air superiority. Luckily, the US isn't that crazy to sell ISIS a democracy machine like this. But hey, Saudi Arabia have F-15's.

And flying a figther plane isn't that hard for ISIS due to the fact that probably some of their militants are ex-Iraqi airforce staff from Saddam's regime. After all this, It would be another "live-fire exercise" for USAF pilots, just like how Operation Desert Storm was. That's right, No F-15 has EVER been lost in air to air combat in over 40 years of service, and I'd say that is damn impressive.

Back to the point. If you are from asia, your grandparents would tell you one thing. DO NOT MESS WITH JAPAN. The horror of the Imperial Japanese Army in World War 2, it actually makes ISIS look like bunch of amateurs, literally. Ramming planes are so much more hardcore than suicide vest.

Back to the point, It is unlikely that Japan would "agree" to ISIS's demand. After all, traveling to a god damn warzone has its consequences, so I suggest that you should not travel to a warzone unless you have a really good reason for it.

My thoughts goes to the families of the hostage victims. I know, I wrote this post with humour, but when it comes to killing, it is no fun anymore. May they rest in peace.

 I am sorry if I manage to offend someone, but hey something something, freedom of speech.

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