søndag 26. april 2015

The Big 3 With Most Bucks

By statistic, most billionaires in the world are.... rich... ridiculously rich. These three bad boys have more money than a lot of countries in the world, they have made their fortune through hard work and some luck. We are counting the top 3

Number 3

Warren Buffet (born 30 August 1930) hails from the United States and is currently regarded as the most successful investor and businessman in the 20th century. He has a network of multiple massive investing companies around the world, most notably the Berkshire Hathaway. In 2012, it was estimated that he holds a fortune of around $53 billion.

Even though he is insanely rich, he is known for his modest and moderate lifestyle. He is still living in the suburban house that he bought in 1957 for $31 500. He is also a member of the Gates Foundations, and is expected to donate around $43 billion.

Number 2

Carlos Slim Helu (born 28 January 1940) is a Mexican businessman that is currently controlling big portion of telephone companies such as Telmex. Through America Movil, he has built his telephone empire through big portions of Latin America. In 2011, his fortune was around $74 billion, compared to Gates $56 and Buffets $50.

He is currently fighting for the throne of the richest person in the world against the reigning Bill Gates.

Number 1
Bill Williams Gates (born 28 October 1955) is one of the main founders of the mega corporation Microsoft. If you are using anything that is related to computers, chances are you are making him richer and richer.

Gates started to program computers in 1968 when he was just 13 years old. In 1973 he started at Harvard University and got known with Paul Allen, that eventually became his partner when founding Microsoft. His fortune now is around $79 billion.

Even though he is the richest person on planet earth, he is also one of the most generous. He has helped African countries against diseases such as Malaria and with his wife, founded the Gates Foundation.

«Warren Buffett KU Visit» av Mark Hirschey - Work of Mark Hirschey. Lisensiert under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Warren_Buffett_KU_Visit.jpg#/media/File:Warren_Buffett_KU_Visit.jpg
«Carlos Slim Helú» av José Cruz/ABr - Agência Brasil [1]. Lisensiert under CC BY 3.0 br via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carlos_Slim_Hel%C3%BA.jpg#/media/File:Carlos_Slim_Hel%C3%BA.jpg
«Bill Gates in WEF ,2007» av World Economic Forum - Copyright World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org), swiss-image.ch/Photo by Severin NowackiCropping of World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007.. Lisensiert under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bill_Gates_in_WEF_,2007.jpg#/media/File:Bill_Gates_in_WEF_,2007.jpg

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