søndag 19. april 2015

The Philosophy of Equality


With a trend towards a freer and a more liberated world, a world where people decide their own fate and write their own history, it is time to talk about the part where "is everyone really equal?". 

Without doubt, liberalism has spread rapidly over the last 40 years, starting with a student revolution, now the same generation is in government power. They went from rebelling against their parent to controlling governments. Our parents have certainly done a good job with everything from black rights to the more sensitive "LGBT" rights. It is now our turn to forward the job. I hate to say this, but we have to let the previous generation retire then we can put our ideology in power. In short, the next generation is usually more open minded than the previous.

Photo: Alamy
In many developed nations, rights are based off the idea of modernism. Japan is no exception with this, they have almost lost their cultural identity due to their focus to work. Their population is at an all time low in 15 years, they have 2 people over 65 for every people they have under 14. This huge demographic shift is due to long life expectancy and low birthrate. The government of Japan has proposed multiple plans to at least maintain their population. One of them is letting immigrants inn, but Europe has something to say with that.

Countries in Europe are changing their demographic fast in the next 20-30 years due to immigrant having a higher birthrate than their natives counterparts. In Sweden, the natives have a birthrate of around 1.6, while the number for non natives might be as high as 2.5. 

The value of a human life
No parties in the world can answer this question without many debates. Some put value of a human life based on religion, other based their life on traditional values and honor. It is no doubt that while everyone agrees that every human is equal, the practice is different from the paper. A law is only a law if there are parties that enforces it.

In developed countries, they value their citizen more expensively than a developing countries. Wealthier countries usually spend money and power trying to get a citizen in distress to a safe(er) location. A country usually has to have strong political powers to do this.

In Southern Europe, the refugee crisis is getting bigger and is almost out of control. People fleeing from war zones are so desperate, they flee together in the thousands in a craft that is too small to carry them all. Some are not so lucky and drown, while other face deportation as not everyone gets their asylum.

They are so desperate for a better life on an another continent that they are willing to risk their life during the voyage.

Close to Palermo, Italy, it is feared that 700 have drowned after their boat sank a mere 80 km from Italy's territorial waters. 

This is one of the worst refugee crisis in our time. How the problem is to be solved, I do not know.

Problem such as this are usually political, many countries are not willing to take in refugees. If they take in refugee, they are encouraging people to take the dangerous voyage across the ocean. Europe have at least 99 problems and the refugee crisis is one of them.

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