søndag 25. januar 2015

Provoking The "Kawaii" Nation

After ISIS held 2 Japanese citizen hostage and demanded Japan to pay a hefty sum of $200 million, ISIS gets another enemy,

Geez, I wonder if Hitler would be jealous because ISIS is having more enemies than NAZI Germany could ever dream of.

The $200 million ransom is not cheap, considering that the money would be most likely to be used to buy weapons and .... essentially becoming weapon of war. I mean, one could probably get a decent Russian tank for a couple million USD, so $200 is sadly enough for alot of things that isn't very good for peace.

The F-15, a beautiful democracy flying machine.
Can deliver many tons of democracy ordnance.

Let us put it this way. One F-15 cost around $35 million. Missiles are expensive, so we will give $10 million for missiles and ammunition. $5 million will go to fuel and maintenance. With this setup, one could get up to 4 fully loaded F-15 ready for air superiority. Luckily, the US isn't that crazy to sell ISIS a democracy machine like this. But hey, Saudi Arabia have F-15's.

And flying a figther plane isn't that hard for ISIS due to the fact that probably some of their militants are ex-Iraqi airforce staff from Saddam's regime. After all this, It would be another "live-fire exercise" for USAF pilots, just like how Operation Desert Storm was. That's right, No F-15 has EVER been lost in air to air combat in over 40 years of service, and I'd say that is damn impressive.

Back to the point. If you are from asia, your grandparents would tell you one thing. DO NOT MESS WITH JAPAN. The horror of the Imperial Japanese Army in World War 2, it actually makes ISIS look like bunch of amateurs, literally. Ramming planes are so much more hardcore than suicide vest.

Back to the point, It is unlikely that Japan would "agree" to ISIS's demand. After all, traveling to a god damn warzone has its consequences, so I suggest that you should not travel to a warzone unless you have a really good reason for it.

My thoughts goes to the families of the hostage victims. I know, I wrote this post with humour, but when it comes to killing, it is no fun anymore. May they rest in peace.

 I am sorry if I manage to offend someone, but hey something something, freedom of speech.

søndag 18. januar 2015

A Brave New Year

Everyone is constantly on the move, 2015 will be a bit more than 2014 for my part. This year, I need to get more things done. For the first time, I will be searching for a long term job and start to be more and more independent.

You see, freedom and independence is not free it cost money, blood, energy and most importantly courage. Being independent is a huge leap forward, and in a few short years, I will be away from my current comfort zone.

Life is unfair, just be depending on which country you was born into, it gives you an unfair advantage if you think about it. What is important for every human being, is to live their life to the fullest and go for your dreams. Every second of suffering and pain would be paid off, the second your dream is your reality.

For me, this year is going to be different. A new comfort zone must be drawn and overlapping the 2014 comfort zone.

I wish all my viewers a good health and a good 2015.
A bright day, may your life be as bright.

lørdag 17. januar 2015

Raif Bandari's fate

Protest in front of the Saudi embassy in The Netherland.

After the Saudi citizen, Raif Bandari created a social media and a forum to discuss about the KSA political flaws, the blogger has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1000 lashes.

His wife, Ensaf Bandari who seeked asylum in Canada along with the couple three children has made an appeal both the the international community and to the Saudi goverment to end her husband punishment.

The 31 year old man, is due to recieve 50 lashes per week and the first 50 lashes was given after the friday prayer in front of Al-Jalafi mosque in the port city of Jeddah.

His punishment was to be given after he criticised Saudi Arabia most powerful clerics on his blog. After his last whipping, he has been taken to a prison clinic due to his sustained injuries, the doctor recomended to not whip him until another week has passed due to that his wounds has not been healing properly.

UK's Prime Minister, David Cameroon has stated that Raif Bandari's case is an absolute disgrace and that he should be pardoned and released from jail. The United Kingdom has also been accused by Amnesty International to not do anymore action due to business interest in the region and "oil" inside the highly conservative kingdom.

If you are able to, I ask everyone to help our fellow brother in need. Click here for more information.

fredag 16. januar 2015

California becomes world 7th largest economy, overtaking Brazil, Russia and Italia

The golden state, after boosted employment and rising personal values is estimated to have a GDP of around $ 2.2 trillion in 2013 and has expanded since last year by almost every measure. Brazil's GDP has declined by around 1% after its recent export of raw minerals and materials fell in 2014.

California's economy is also one of the most diverse economies in the union, ranging anything from oil to computer to movie stars.
Even with the decline of oil prices, California still stand strong with its oil production and continues to supply the United States with oil and gas.

Agriculture is also one of the most hidden factor where it does not get the attention it should. Almost 70% of worlds almonds are grown, harvested and produced in California.

With ever developing technology mankind's need, so does the economy grows. Almost all electronic production starts in California with companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple and etc having a headquarter in California.

One problem that the state has is poverty rate, research has shown that almost a quarter of Californian live in the poverty line or below it even though California's GDP per person is quite high when compared to the rest of the United States.

onsdag 14. januar 2015

Fighting Freedom With Freedom

What the world learnt from the Charlie Hebdo massacre wasn't pretty. How much is it too much when it comes to freedom of speech? Where does the point cross between freedom of speech and hate speech?

Everyone has a different line and tolerance when it comes to freedom, Islam prohibits any visual paintings of their prophet, and people has been killed due to this. The 2006 Danish Cartoon controversy heavily strained the relations between Denmark and Muslims nation, some nations even closing their embassy in Denmark and halting diplomatic relations.

Arab nations has been quite strict when it comes to their Prophet. It is unclear what the Charlie Hebdo attack would do in the long run. The United Kingdom is planning to "maybe" ban chatting programs such as "Snapchat" and "Whatsapp" for the safety of their people. But should it be like this? Fighting fire with fire, banning freedom to fight freedom.

In my eyes, it is very important for all parties to be able to respect each other and thus provoking nobody. Make no mistake, opinion is very important for a healthy society.

Freedom of speech has no clear limit to hate speech, we just have to define it ourself and respect other. We have to do to other what other wil do to us.

Imagine living in peace like that, where all humans are united as one.

Read more about peace here

tirsdag 13. januar 2015

Living Together In Peace

With all of the current conflicts, are humans all this violent? The question we seek might lie in our nature, in fact we might be in one of the most peaceful time in our entire existence.

Everyday there is someone who has died due to violence somewhere on the planet, whether it is Paris, Aleppo or Jerusalem, a soul was lost due to human violence and power. A world that we all dream of is a world of harmony, where all the humans may live in peace and hope, we are all right and that hope is very dark.

Imagine living in total peace and where everybody lives with open arms, where religion, race, sexual orientation and nationality did not matter, where everyone is currently fighting together, they tend to forget that they are ONE HUMAN RACE.

That dream only lives in our mind, and our mind is an isolated place. Image if the next human revolution is about hope and living together, where we would finally see that every human can live and breathe together no matter if that human has another religious allegiance or another sexual orientation.

The greatest empire remained strong by becoming as one and when division happened, they fell. The next very big leap in humanity would not be the first human on mars, even though that would be one of the greatest scientific leap of all mankind. The leap that we desperately need is a leap toward a ONE HUMAN RACE.

The day we learn to forgive, is a start of a revolution. Wanting revenge is not a permanent solution, it is a solution induced by hatred and anger. Justice can come in kindness and mercy. We can start by forgiving the small things, and it will just go up from there. Do not be mistaken because justice is still needed for a healthy world.

We can start this leap by treating our neighbors right, when we do they will follow our example. In the end you will not be able to do this alone, together we can create peace and prosperity. We humans are divided and therefore weak, one day there shall be a day where we celebrate independence from fear and darkness and call it humanity day, and may our hopes and dreams not lay shattered.

I hope the very best for you. 

An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Entire World Blind 
-Mahatma Gandhi

søndag 11. januar 2015

Extreme Islamism & Extreme Right Wing

After an attack at Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris where 12 people lost their lives and another 11 injured, Europe might face a threat where two extremist groups might rise and take power.

It is not unknown that europe has a significant muslim population, and in France they are recognized as a minority. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was not the first conflict that happened after a picture of the islamic prophet was released into the media. Several years earlier, Denmark did the same and it caused a mass protest in many muslim countries, going even further as Arab nations sanctioning danish goods and export.

While Europe clearly has a problem with muslim extremism, another Neo-Nazi groups are also on the rise. Inside the United Kingdom, clashes between "Britain First" and muslims has occoured that led to police and political intervention. 

Britain First Official Logo
Some of these parties has been granted seats into the European Parliament, some say that the "effect" of muslim immigrant has startled the native population. Even though muslim is still a minority, this could create problems with the native should politicans fail to solve it.

There has also been a big protest about muslim immigrants in Germany where some protestor were "proudly" open about being a so called "Neo-Nazi".

Attack with extremist group also hurt the "moderate" population from both sides. After the attack at Charlie, muslims face an imminent danger of being discriminated in public and 8 reported attacks were made against the local muslim population.

A 42 years old, Ahmed Merabet was a policeman who was killed during the attack, this has caused a big stir between the muslims communities worldwide as islam strictly forbids killing a fellow muslim.

Another attack where another four people died after a Kosher supermarket was stormed. A worker from Mali was given credit for saving 15 shopper including a 1 month old baby, this has lead to closer ties between the muslim community and the jewish community.

It is not known how many more attacks and how many more lives has to be lost before humanity can get a stable peace between all humans there is.

Muslim and Jewish relations has also strained considerably after the Israel-Palestine conflict that occoured shorty after world war II. Before the entire ordeal, muslims and jews lived together like one family. This strained relations is also a factor into fueling the extremism attack in Western countries as they tend to support Israel, although France has had a history of being reluctant in the past.
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo, 1941.

søndag 4. januar 2015

Palestine to take Israel to ICC.

Last year saw a deadly clash between Israel and Palestine where it it estimated over 2300 people lost their lives in the clases. After the abduction of Israeli teens and constant rocket attack into Israel, the IDF started to take measures for the "safety" of the Israeli people.

The clash had numerous effect worldwide, and a massive protest against Israel's action happened worldwide and it even turned deadly.

This year, Palestine has sent papers and an application to the International Criminal Court to press charges on Israel for potential war crimes. 

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that should Israel be charged for war crimes, then there will be no peace. 

Israel has also frozen a half a billion shekels in tax return for Palestine after the ICC application and it is still not known whether Israel would be liable for charges or not.

fredag 2. januar 2015

Air Asia 8501 Possible Causes?

An Airbus A320-216 operated by Malaysian "Air Asia" crashed on 28 December 2014, making 2014 a deadly year for Malay aviation after MH 370 went missing and MH 17 was shot down over Ukraine.

Multiple investigator has concluded that the bad weather played a big role on the accident, but what remains a mystery is how a plane just all of the sudden lose all contact with the ATC. For the victims family for MH flight 370 this is all too clear, but could a mechanical failure and a simultaneous electrical failure bring down a sophisticated fly by wire aircraft, could a hidden flaw be at fault?

A plane electricity is generated by a spinning generator connected to the engine and the APU. The APU is only used when the engines are turned off and the aircraft on the ground. A dual simultaneous engine failure is incredibly rare. Even an engine failure due to fuel starvation will leave an engine powered for an extra 5-10 minutes after the first one has failed and one engine is more than enough to bring an airplane landing safely.

Back in 1983, Air Canada 143 (Gimli Glider) lost both engines due to Canada's transition from imperial to metric that caused the aircraft to take off with just half the fuel needed for the trip, the plane managed to land in an abandoned airstrip without any engine power. Even though an aircraft is incredibly heavy, aerodynamics prevents the aircraft to fall like a "rock" should all thrust be depleted.

The aircraft was climbing to FLT 380 which is 38000 feet above the ground to avoid bumpy weather. Another plane may be a clue to the investigation, Adam Air 574 went off course and "mysteriously" disappeared after the plane tipped over and crashed off Celebes after pilot error, distortion and IRS malfunction.

Bad weather and that the plane was climbing could play a factor on the crash of the aircraft, high angle of attack and slow climbing speed could tip the plane over should a strong enough wind come from the side of the aircraft or the back.

Strong tailwind might have caused the aircraft to stall as the aircraft ground speed was a little low. The weather could produce winds of over 160 km/h, and that is something all aircraft should avoid to hinder chaos.

Captain Iriyanto, had over 6000 flying hours with Air Asia and over 22000 total flying hours with his career that started in the Indonesian Air Force.

First Officer Rémi Emmanuel Plesel had over 2200 hours flying with Air Asia and he is originally from France but was living in Indonesia.