This type of civilization is modern enough to harness all the energy available from its home planet, and is able to manipulate the planet structure. Theoretically, this kind of civilization is able to suppress earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disaster. They harness and control energies ranging from wind power to fusion reactor. Such civilization might also have the technology to manufacture anti mater in large or industrial quantities.
They overcame the political and monetary crisis and has achieved a central unitary or federal government that governs the entire planet, it is also widely possible that countries/states might have been abolished altogether in favor of a stronger bonds between humans.
Thus with a strong unitary home planet, such civilization may start to harness the energy and resources of its star system. They may poses technology to mine the asteroid and establish colonies on other planet in the solar system. Massive solar farm in outer space is also a renewable way to create infinite energy from the sun.

This kind of civilization has gone stellar. After exhausting the resources of its home planet, it looks to the stars for more planets. The kind of technology that they poses is as foreign to us, a
s our technology to a prehistoric humans.
They control their home star energy output with huge a huge sphere that swarms the star with solar panel, effectively harnessing the power of an entire star. Type II play with fire on the atomic scale, they may be able to manipulate stars, and might be able to develop a wormhole for faster space travel.
The kind of government for such civilization is unknown, with severe technological advances, it is unknown whether such civilization would be 100% organic.
A Type II is also immune to extinction, as they can bag their civilization and move it elsewhere should something go bad. This is a kind of civilization that can manipulate an entire star, so a comet hitting their home planet would be the least of their concerns.
Type I control their planet, Type II control their neighboring star systems and Type III has colonized of has controlled the entire galaxy.
Harnessing the energy from a galaxy is quite a feat, it is unknown how civilizations such as this might fare. Type III probably has the power to control a supermassive blackhole to their advantage. Capturing the energy from quasar, neutron stars and gamma ray burst are technically possible for this kind of civilization.
What kind of life form after this is totally unknown, as cybernetics is getting better and better, it is not clear whether a Type III civilization is biological or not.
We barely know what kind of technology a type 3 civilization can possess, a Type IIII would be unimaginable to us. This kind of civilization probably has the power and technology to colonize their local galactic cluster.
Unknown "Dark Energy and Dark Matter" would probably be their main source of energy, since normal matter and anti matter are soooo 30,000 AD. They might see normal matter and anti matter as how we look at wood. "We still use it, but there are better things out there."
Where are we on this scale then?
"Correction", we don't actually belong anywhere, we barely have control over our planet. Natural and man made disasters are still a huge problem for us, but we are getting better at minimizing it, at least... So in short, I would say that we are around 0,75 on the scale. As Michio Kaku said, we would reach Type I in around 100-200 years, assuming we have not killed our self with a nuclear war or other kind of WMDs.