fredag 20. februar 2015

The Cold War Never Bothered Us Anyway

Can you believe it, it has been one full year since Sochi olympics, back then the relations between EU and Russia was warm and cozy, and then the Crimea crisis occoured. The entire crisis has worsened relations to almost "cold war" level again. So where are we know?

Crimea has been annexed to Russia for some time now and the crisis on the east side of Ukraine is still ongoing. Of course, when it comes to guerilla warfare, the best kind of diplomacy is to deny any involvment as much and as long as possible. We all know that guerilla warfare is crazy cost effective and pose a real threat to even the best armed battalion.Afganistan guerilla warfare was no fun for both the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Big 5
The Minsk meeting where Putin, Merkel, Hollande, Luhashenko and Poroshenko met ended in a "cease fire". A cease fire is kind of like a temporary peace, you don't shoot me I don't shoot you, but as we know it... it gets broken and violated everytime... Except one time where this kind of agrement has worked since 1953. You guessed right, the Korean war is technically still an active conflict because neither parties has signed a formal peace treaty.

But can you believe it, the cold war ended in 1991, that was 24 years ago. Windows XP release date is closer to the dissolution of Soviet                                                        Union than it is to today. Anyways, I never got to experience any of                                                      this because I was born a little too early... but hey, still no nuclear                                                          war. I also apologize if I made you feel old.

tirsdag 3. februar 2015

Brutality To Sustain Stability And Peace

One conflict is finally gone
Oh, We've just created 1000s more.
Remember 2003? That year when Saddam Hussein's Iraq was toppled and replaced with a "democratic Iraq", guess what has happened since then. After the "brutal" dictator was toppled, the area is now more violent with different insurgensies that are currently on the run, one of the most infamous is... ISIS, think if Hussein has still in power, he'd shoot everyone that was a threat to Iraq.

Muammar Gadaffi
Not only was this done once... but twice. First in Iraq then Libya, where Gaddafi was killed after the Arab Spring came to his country. From one of the most prosperous nation in Africa, Libya is now full of insurgency and almost in complete anarchy.

From my point of view, the comedy movie "The Interview" is partially right in this situation, killing/removing a head of state will not fix anything. It is true that a dictator might be comitting grave human right violations, but should we just let it do whatever he wants?

On the other side, removing the dictator will also leave a big power vacuum within the goverment. The decision is big right here, forcibly   removing someone from power will also require the "emergency"         goverment to be as strong and stable as the previous.

1..2..3..4..5 Finally
South Korean Flag
Republic Of Korea
South Korea is probably the best example. After decades of Japanese occupation then the Korean War broke out, then some massive goverment problem after the war, it was solved with a military coup d'etat and then temporary putting a president (although he is technically a dictator with that much power) in power. It did not happen just one time, but FIVE TIMES before the South Korean goverment finally settled. It transformed the Republic of Korea from a country full of poverty into a global economic         power.

So the question is, Should the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad be removed from power? I mean after all, he did use chemical weapons on his own people, and that is a big nono according to the UN.
It is true that he has used chemical weapon, but is it really a good idea to leave a power vacuum in Syria?