fredag 28. november 2014

Finlands Parliament Approves Same-Sex Marriage

The Finnish Parliament voted on Friday afternoon to allow gender-neutral marriage, 105-92. The vote had been expected to be closer.
The gender-neutral marriage bill was seventh on the list of 15 votes. Four MPs out of the 200 MPs were absent on the first vote, concerning a reform of language laws, and two on the second vote, on car taxation. The third vote, on child subsidies, was also a vote of confidence in the government - which survived by a margin of 100-97. Only two MPs out of the 200 MPs were absent.
The unprecedented outcome marks the first time that a citizens' initiative has received lawmakers' blessing to be written into the law books. It also allows Finland to finally catch up with its Nordic peers, all of which have already legalised gay marriage.

Sweet triumph for supporters

The result was a sweet triumph for the thousands of supporters of marriage equality who gathered around the Parliament this afternoon. Many of them waved rainbow-coloured flags and banners. Shouts of "I do!" - the battle cry of the movement - echoed through the streets. Opponents of the measure also turned out for the session, but found themselves vastly outnumbered.
Parliamentary Speaker Eero Heinäluoma tightened security ahead of the vote, calling for calm on what has been a polarising subject both inside and outside the chamber. However there were no reports of disruptive behaviour - with one Yle correspondent describing the scene as having a Carnival-like atmosphere.
The reform will force wide-ranging changes in other legislation, which will take well over a year to finalise. The law will therefore not take effect until 2016 at the earliest. Finland has allowed registered partnerships since 2002.

tirsdag 25. november 2014

Recognizing Palestine Might Not Secure Peace

After Sweden officially recognized the State of Palestine, other EU countries have had summit with their top politicians whether to recognize Palestine despite Israeli pressure to not recognize it.

Palestine does have a very disputed lands with Israel and often comes to bloody conflicts that started since the formation of modern Israel in 1948.

A report from Spanish lawmaker was shown that leaders were interested in recognizing Palestine and their parliament is currently in voting whether to recognize it or not.

There has been talks in Germany if they want to recognize Palestine, even though Merkel is apparently very reluctant to recognize Palestine. Since 28 European Union nations would need to unanimous recognize Palestine, even though Merkel would veto it.

“We’re not going to wait forever,” a senior European official said, according to the report. “Other European countries are poised to follow Sweden.

Another idea is that Israel and Palestine would have a two state solution, officially Israel would have Palestine at the cost of promising to give almost total control of Palestine to Palestinian. This might become a problem for attacks on both sides, as should this system be applied, both parties must ensure no more attacks on both soil would happen.

A total of 135 sovereign countries recognize the State of Palestine, including several East
European countries that did so before they were admitted into the European Union.
Countries that recognize Palestine.

Feasible Solution
Totally stopping the Israel-Palestine conflict while maintaining equal social order is close to impossible, nor Israel or Palestine is willing to give up land and power without a fight. Total occupation over Palestine and create the "two party" system might spell disaster for relations between muslim nations and western nations. As of today, there is very little plan for peaceful solution as talks between Israel and Palestine has not gone very far.

mandag 24. november 2014

HRW Urges Indonesia To Stop "Virginity" Test

“The Indonesian National Police’s use of ‘virginity tests’ is a discriminatory practice that harms and humiliates women. Police authorities in Jakarta need to immediately and unequivocally abolish the test, and then make certain that all police recruiting stations nationwide stop administering it.”
Nisha Varia, associate women’s rights director

The Indonesian goverment has now ordered to check all female application for "virginity" test, Human Right watch have said. A manual examination is being used to check for an intact hymen for the female applicants, the report tells.

According to the report, it is a long standing part of a medical check womens much undergo before they are accepted onto the service.

The Indonesian National Police website lists the requriments for female apllications and virginity is one of it.

Before being recruited, female police must keep their virginity until then and married women are not able to apply in the public police force.

'Discriminatory, cruel, degrading

HRW has said taht they interviewed several femalre officers and recruit as well as a medical staff. Recruits tell HRW that they had undergone a painful and traumatic test.

One recruit interviewed by HRW for the report said: "Entering the virginity test examination room was really upsetting. I feared that after they performed the test I would not be a virgin anymore. It really hurt. My friend even fainted because... it really hurt, really hurt."

HRW called the test "subjective and unscientific."

North Korea Threatens To Wipe Out Japan over UN Resolution

Last Sunday, North Korea has decided to denounce the most recent UN resolution condemning North Koreas violation in human right, and has warned a retaliation against Japan and other countries that sponsor the resolution.

“We will take toughest counteraction” against the United States, and “Japan, too, can never escape this toughest counteraction,” the North Korean National Defense Commission said in a statement, Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency reported

“Japan should bear in mind that if it continues behaving as now, it will disappear from the world map for good, not just remaining a near yet distant country,” the statement continued.

The resolution that was passed on Tuesday by Third Committee of UN General Assembly sought to refer North Koreas human right record to be held in Intel national Criminal Court and to have the countries top leaders involved for crimes against humanity

The resolution, which was introduced by Japan and the EU, reflects a U.N. commission of inquiry’s lengthy report in February on what it said was “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations that have been and are being committed” by North Korea.

Pyongyang has threatened to conduct another nuclear test. It condemned the United Nations for allowing the European Union and Japan to draft into the resolution and "blindly" voting for it.
Flag of the UN

“We have never recognized any ‘resolution’ worked out by the U.S.-led undesirable hostile forces to encroach upon our sovereignty and vital rights,” the North’s statement said

søndag 23. november 2014

Burger King Axes 89 Stores In Germany After Scandals

After an earlier report of staff mistreatment, hygiene scandal, that it was terminating 89 franchises after the scandals.

The move was fast and immediate, said Burger King Europe at its Munich Office, although German franchise Yi-Ko said that it will keep the stores running until the food are empty.

The move will affect 89 of the around 700 Burger King in Germany and will have an uncertain future for the 3000 employees now facing contract termination.

Many outlets has been temporary closed due to poor conditions and is currently being worked on for improving the conditions, after a shocking report by RTL television channel.

According to multiple food reports, expired and unfresh product was being kept warm of hours and labeled as fresh when being sold, rather than being fresh and grilled as the chain advertises.

Another disgusting problem is that toilets are being cleaned in the same clothes the worker use to make and serve food and drinks.

"After the hygiene scandal in May there were many improvements, but since the summer there were fresh breaches of existing agreements," the head of Burger King's German operations, Andreas Bork, told Bild newspaper.

He also said that Yi-Ko has been holding employee holiday and bonus pay and that sick pay was given with delays.

The remaining franchises will operate as usual should no further problem(s) occur.

SAS Troops Terrorizing IS Militant

SAS troops equipped with sniper and heavy machine gun has been killing hundreds of IS militant with quad bikes ambushes inside IS occupied territory.

Military sources indicate that 8 IS militant are being killed every day with this daring raid carried out of the spawn of the last 4 weeks.

Until now, it has been known that SAS has only been doing intelligence service in IS occupied parts of Syria and Iraq, but sources today tell us that they have been dropping small amount of SAS soldiers to take out the enemy.

Targets are usually being identified by a SAS base or by the soldiers in the battlefield using smaller intelligent device. Troops are being equipped with quad bikes, a four wheel all terrain vehicles to take out the enemy with the element of sprier in the dark. Up to 200 enemies has been killed this way, using a non airstrike strategy.

A US formed military coalition against IS has been bombing the militant position since US President Obama has announced the strikes against IS, although it is debatable whether US will commit to put troops back in Iraq.

FA/18 Super Hornet    Picture: USNAVY

onsdag 19. november 2014

South Korea Raises $500 Billion For Reunification

South Korea has big plans for a future reunification, it is said that they will raise $500 Billion from the public sector without raising taxes and help support North Korea in an event of a reunification said a top financial regulator on Tuesday.

A financial plan for a future North-South Korea unification, the cost according to Financial Services Comission (FSC) is said to be an estimated $500 billion in order to raise North Korea GDP per capita from a $1,251 to $ 10,000 withing 20 years after a possible unification and another $175 billion would be required to build infrastructure and industrial developement.

In 2013, North Korea GDP was $31 billion and was equivalent of South Koreas GDP in 1971 and a mere 2% of the South Korean GDP in 2013. In short, South Korea spends more on their military than what the North has in GDP.

Up to 60% of the cost will be handed to state agencies to run developement project in North Korea, while the rest will be raised by collectic overseas developement aid with both public and private investments.

"In the initial stage of unification, the government will lead the North Korean development by using state funds and projects, and then the ODA and private investments can be utilized," said FSC Chairman Shin Je-yoon.

Exchange rate would be a major issue in an event of a unification as the exchange rate are largely conditioned on negotiations and consensus.

At the time of the German unification, the market exchange rate was 1 East German mark to 4
West German mark, although it was exchanged for 1:1 as part of the unification.

This created a huge wage spike which was good to stabilize the likehood of East Germany, but caused damage to East German companies as the wage skyrocketed.

fredag 14. november 2014

Russian Warship Near Australia While Putin Is In G-20 Meeting

While the Russian president Vladimir Putin is in his G-20 summit so is his warships. Four Russian warships has been confirmed to be north of Australian territory, while technically it is still in international waters, it worries the Australian. While all of this is happening, tensions has not gotten better between Abbot and Putin.

The Australian PM has physically confronted Putin and urged him to cooperate since the Malaysian airline shotdown. Out of 298 people on board the airliner, 38 of those were Australian, and not much has dampen the tension.

The Russian embassy said today that the warships are supposed to test its operational range and can be used to as a security to Putin.

According to Abbot, Russia is being much more assertive than it has in the past. Lately, Russian planes has been spotted flying into Swedish and Finnish territory. The United Kingdom has offered Eastern NATO member an aid with their Eurofigther airplane to protect these countries territories.

Philae Might Die In 20 Hours If It Can't Move

Mission control have now activated a drill an a hammer onboard Philae in an attempt to move the probe so that It can get enough sunlight. At first, it was expected to receive 6-7 hours of sunlight instead it is now only receiving 1.5 hours, this is not enough to charge the probe secondary battery and the power supply might only last 20 more hours if it can't expose itself to the sun. 

Window of contact happened on friday morning and mission control was able to get connection reestablished between Philae and Rosetta. 

A second windows is expected to happen tonight but according toESA, there is no grantee that the primary battery would be charged by then. 

The procedure is very risky, it could either push the lander into a better position or topple the lander and end the mission. Then, because the laws of physics still applies in space, every action still has en equal reaction. Since the lander is not completely anchored in place, the drills and hammer might get Philae to do a cartwheel spin.

                                                Philae Landed!        Picture:ESA

tirsdag 11. november 2014

Rosetta To Land In A Comet

According to European Space Agency (ESA), Rosetta will land on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on November the 12. The probe is currently making final trajectory to aim for the lander to collect sample. Rosetta is currently helping scientist around the world to understand how a comet might contribute on the development of life on planet earth.

Separation of the lander is planned for about 09:03 GMT (10:03 CET), and touch down should follow about seven hours later, at 16:02 GMT (17:02 CET). -ESA

If you want to follow the mission control click here.

søndag 9. november 2014

Catalonia holds a disputed referendum

Catalonia holds a disputed referendum

After months of protesting and almost two months after the Scottish referendum, Catalonia holds its partially disputed referendum. Just like the Scottish referendum, the answer and questions is very simple. Should Catalonia become a sovereign state is what many who lives there want.

Catalonia is one of the wealthiest regions in Spain and has a population of around 7.5 million, It gives more to the Spanish central government than it receives. Whether they can get EU membership and adopt the EURO is still a disputed case. In the Scottish referendum case, EU Commission Chief Jose Manuel Barroso said that it would be very difficult for an independent Scotland to join the EU and fully adopt the EURO.

Economic difficulty and cultural grievances has fueled the desire to seceded from Spain. It is reported that most Catalans feel that they are not part of the rest of Spain while some say that Catalonia should not be an independent state because Europe needs to stay together.

 Video by Al-Jaeera.

lørdag 8. november 2014

Saudi Arabia May Allow Women Over 30 To Drive

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  

A royal appointed advisor for the Kingdom has proposed to allow women over 30 to drive with some exceptions. They must not wear makeup and not drive after 8 pm (20:00), wear a conditional dress and a permission from a male guardian 

The council recommendation are not obligatory which the government has to follow, but simply making a recommendation is a major step towards a potential change. There have been relatively small but bold protests about the driving ban inside the Kingdom. 

The ban has forced women to hire live-in drivers for women, and women cannot afford the price to hire one has to rely on male relatives to drive them to work, to shopping and etc.  

The law was enforced as a part of general restriction based on a very strict Islamic Sharia Law. Genders are very strictly segregated and women are required to wear head scarf and cover everything except for eyes and hand. Womens are required by law to have a male guardian when seeking higher education, traveling, to get married, Male guardians are usually father or a husband, but womens are also allowed to use her son and brother.

fredag 7. november 2014

FBI Closes the Silk Road

                                                        The man that alleges to have operated the Silk Road 2.0 Picture: Github/Blakeeb
A joint operation between the FBI and Europool have caused the popular black market drug website "Silk Road" to get terminated

Official FBI Twitter have confirmed the arrest of former SpaceXemployee Blake Benthall. He was arrested by FBI agents in San Francisco, CA, United States on Wednesday and he may get a lifelong prison sentence.

Benthall is not only charged with illegal drug trafficking but is also charged with one count of computer hacking, one count to traffic fraud documents, one count to possible money laundering. He may very serve a lifelong prison sentence in the United States.

Ross William Ulbricht the original creator was arrested by FBI on October 2013, was accused of running the original Silk Road.

European police hints that mores arrests and shutdown will occur. Not very long ago, one of Silk Road's biggest drug dealers was arrested in Ireland, local police claims.  Drugs like ecstasy, LSD and other illegal drugs were seized in the raid. Two men in thirties were arrested at the scene, the arrests are part of the same operation that lead to the downfall of the Silk Road.
What people see when they visit Silk Road

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